Arm Lift
Restore Youthful, Trimmed Arms
1 – 2 Hours
Recovery Period:
go home same day
Back to Work:
2 – 3 weeks
Back to strenuous activity:
after 4 – 6 weeks
Optimal Results:
4 – 6 months
“Batwings,” which refers to flabby and loose arms, is a common problem many may encounter. Genetics, age and especially weight loss play a significant role in causing the underside of a person’s upper arms to droopy and loose. This problem can affect any range, gender and body type.
More often, the skin may become flabby with uneven texture. Exercise can help tone arm muscles; however, it cannot correct weakness in the tissue of your skin, knock out particular fat deposits, or even tighten skin that has already lost its elasticity. An arm lift may be the looked-for solution. It can help you feel more confident about your appearance, allowing you to enjoy wearing short-sleeved clothing again without self-consciousness or embarrassment.
What is an Arm Lift Surgery?
Also known as Brachioplasty, it is a type of cosmetic surgery that can improve the appearance of your upper arms. It involves tightening sagging skin and supportive tissue.

Arm Lifting Expected Results
- A trimmer appearance in your upper arm
- A Youthful and tightened appearance in your upper arm
- A boost in confidence
Dr. A. Atiyah will explain what is possible and help you achieve the most natural look with unique features matching your body proportions.
Before and After